About the Library
The Helen and Hollis Baright Public Library strives to inform, enrich and empower the Ralston community and surrounding area residents by providing current educational, informational, and recreational library services and materials in an accessible and efficient manner that promotes lifelong learning.
The Baright Public Library will strive to become the community center in Ralston to meet the future educational, informational, and recreational needs of the community.
The Ralston Women’s Club opened the first Ralston Public Library in the Stewart Real Estate Office in 1922. Two years later, the library was moved to City Hall. In 1963, the library was moved to a new facility near Oak Park at 7900 Park Lane. Continued growth and increased usage led to the construction of the current library in 1999.
Library Policies
CH 1
Section 1: Board Statement; Section 2: Board Objectives; Section 3: Mission Statement; Section 4: Vision Statement; Section 5: Library Goals; Section 6: Review and Amendments
CH 2
Section 1: Authority; Section 2: Contracts; Section 3: Administration; Section 4: Library Organization Structure—Trustees; Section 5: Personnel and Financial Records; Section 6: Description of Community
CH 3
Section 1: Hours of Operations; Section 2: Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 3: Data Privacy; Section 4: Video Security Cameras; Section 5: Public Participation in Library Decision Making; Section 6: Public Use of Computers; Section 7: Internet Access; Section 8: Library Programs; Section 9: Access to Teen Area and Children’s Area
CH 4
Section 1: Library Card Policy and Reciprocal Borrowers; Section 2: Confidentiality of Library User Records; Section 3: Circulation of Materials / Check-outs and Renewals; Section 4: Fees and Recovery of Overdue Materials and Damaged Materials; Section 5: Protection of Copyright
CH 5
Section 1: Selection Responsibility and Guidelines; Section 2: Intellectual Freedom; Section 3: Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials; Section 4: Assessment and Deselection of Materials; Section 5: Gifts and Donations (Rev. February 17, 2022)
CH 6
Section 1: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services; Section 2: Proctoring Exams; Section 3: Copy, Fax, and Laminating; Section 4: Interlibrary Loan; Section 5: Internet Policy
CH 7
Section 1: General Statement; Section 2: Room Areas; Use and Reservation; Section 3: Exhibits, Displays and Bulletin Boards; Section 4: Equipment and Usage; Section 5: Property Insurance
CH 8
Section 1: Training; Section 2: Building Maintenance; Section 3: Emergencies and Evacuations; Section 4: Inclement Weather; Section 5: Library Closing Policy; Section 6: Epidemic/Pandemic Policy
CH 9
Section 1: Employment; Section 2: Personnel Records; Section 3: Vacancy Announcements; Section 4: Promotions; Section 5: Performance Evaluations; Section 6: Grievance; Section 7: Attendance; Section 8: Time Keeping; Section 9: Breaks; Section 10: Telephone and Address Changes; Section 11: Training and Continuing Education; Section 12: Professional Expenses, Conventions, Meetings, Seminars, and Travel; Section 13: Return of Library Property; Section 14: E-mail Usage; Section 15: Smoking in Designated Areas; Section 16: Dress Code; Section 17: Courteous Behavior; Section 18: Soliciting Business; Section 19: Political Activities by Employees
CH 10
Section 1: Code of Conduct; Section 2: Unattended Children; Section 3: Social Media Policy; Section 4: Suspension of Privileges for Health and Safety Reasons; Section 5: Demonstrators, Solicitors, and Petitioners Policy
The Board declares that it will adhere to and support the Library Bill of Rights (Appendix A), the Freedom to Read (Appendix B), and the Freedom to View (Appendix C), and the Code of Ethics (Appendix H) as adopted by the American Library Association.